Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Catholic Charities: Charity To WHOM?

We noticed a small item:

...The number of migrants who have been ordered to leave the country surged to new highs last year, and more than 150,000 of them awaiting asylum court hearings failed to appear before immigration judges....--quoted at AOSHQ

At this time, "Catholic" Charities is having its annual begging drive.

They do a fine job of Remote Mediate Material Cooperation for the cartels, who are engaged in the business of human/sex/drug trafficking.  There is no "double effect" here since there is no imminent danger of death to an innocent party (which is the case with ectopic pregnancy).

Catholic Charities should beg the cartels for money while Catholic Charities commits treason.

1 comment:

Marie said...

There was a time when harboring illegal aliens was a punishable crime.
Now the Biden government pays Catholic Charities to do just that.