Sunday, February 18, 2024

What Dostoevsky Has to Say

 In this essay, Srdja Trifkovic claims that understanding Putin requires an understanding of Dostoevsky.

It's worth the read in its entirety.  But here's just one graf that is striking:

...The devil enslaves us by granting us countless freedoms and rights, and this feat is his greatest accomplishment in the contemporary Western world. This is also a key fact which Putin seems to understand, although he has not phrased the insight in these same terms. The West accuses Putin of making Russia less free while the West finds its freedom in the pursuit of grievances over denied rights—from racism, discrimination, homophobia, etc., etc., ad nauseam. At the same time, the West denies freedom for what matters: for being, rather than constantly becoming. This is the ultimate denial of freedom, unimaginable in “Putin’s Russia.” A Westerner is not at liberty to discriminate in loving his family, his people, his nation, more than he loves an abstract humanity....

We would add that the West also finds "freedom" in a no-holds-barred sexual licentiousness, closely followed by the West's insatiable appetite for the "freedom" of material goods--by the truckload. But that's just us.... 

There is plenty of nitty-gritty reality packed into that paragraph.  Read it until you understand it well.

Here are the last two grafs from that essay:

...It is our right and out duty to defend ourselves against morbidity, deviance, population replacement and cultural and biological suicide, everywhere, from San Diego to Vladivostok. In Europe at last the signs are encouraging. Even the ever-so-progressive Dutch are waking up to this fact, with the “far-right populist” Geert Wilders emerging as the winner in November’s general election. In America the looming farce next November may finally force the Deplorables to take a realistic stock of their options.

This struggle is just, even if the outcome is uncertain. In the face of cosmic uncertainty the first task of a true man, Dostoevsky teaches us, is to hold on to life, and beauty, and truth. The rest is in God’s hands.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes I would like to live in a Christian Country where Christianity is starting to flourish again! -Greg

What Would Putin Do (WWPD)?
Putin murdered Alexei Navalny to help Joe Biden win.

……An old college friend of mine did two very interesting things: He converted to Orthodoxy, and went to work as a very close advisor to one of the richest men on earth. (No I’m not naming names, but make your best guess.) And this old friend told me something. The Orthodox circles he moved in had ties to highly placed people in Russia, who told him why the Soviet Union actually collapsed, why the intelligence services and the military let Communism die. They told him the “inside” story. For what it’s worth, here’s how it goes:

The young, upcoming men inside the KGB were patriotic Russians. They’d swallowed Communist ideology as it was drilled into them because they thought that worldview promoted Russian power. But by the mid-1980s it was clear that this wasn’t true — that Communism was in fact an alien Utopian fantasy foisted on the country by a crackpot group of radicals who’d happened to seize control in 1917. It hadn’t made Russia great, but had murdered tens of millions, destroyed the economy, driven Russian woman to have (it was estimated) six abortions each. Dedication to Communism, rather than Russia, had driven the country to ruin itself by trying to seed revolutions around the world, and rule the ungovernable wasteland that is Afghanistan.
Russia had spent 70 years on some crank “vegan keto” diet, and wouldn’t survive it much longer.

So these young KGB men, including Putin himself, quietly agreed among themselves that Communism had to go. Instead, they would restore a Russian nationalist regime, reverting to the old Russian worldview of Orthodox Christianity. Not because they believed in Christ or the Church, but because it worked better. If Russians were to return to Christianity, they might not be so prone to alcoholism, abortion, and all the other social plagues that had savaged Russia’s birth rate and hollowed out its society.

Becoming Russia’s Constantine
And that’s why Putin and his circle starting rebuilding churches — because they correctly perceived that Christianity is a better plan for living than Utopian atheism. That’s why today Russia isn’t embracing the trans insanity and castrating little kids, or filling its military with mentally ill recruits who demand expensive sex-change hormones. Because none of that works, as any sane person can see. Even those without faith can see (if dimly) the light of the Natural Law written on our hearts. And if they know what’s good for them (even on earth) they’ll try to follow it……

Read more at: