Saturday, November 11, 2023

The FBI Has Compromat

Seventy Republicans (and a crap-ton of Democrats and I use that term advisedly) voted to give the FBI a brand-new office building.  It will be larger than the Pentagon--mostly because the FBI's war on America is more of a challenge than what the Pentagon faces.


You may ask "Why did Republicans suck up to the FBI after that agency's perfidy is so obvious?"

Good question!!

The only answer that makes sense:

The FBI has pictures, video, and other recordings of those 70 doing ...........stuff..........that would...........ahhhhhh........prevent them from keeping their lucrative office.  And probably give their spouses all they need for a quick divorce, custody only to the spouse.

Or all of the above, plus some.  Maybe a little foreign corruption on the side, Mr. Swalwell-like?

Why not?  In for a penny, in for a few hundred thousand dollars!

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