Sunday, June 04, 2023

"Operation Mocking.bird" For Lefty Activists

When you watch the TeeeVeee "news" you're often watching/hearing exactly what Lefty activists wrote for the "reporter" to read.  This is a pull-quote from a much longer thread describing how the Left wins its battles.  (The thread includes an activist-usable chess "fork" move, too.  It's worth the read.)

...Beautiful Trouble does not say exactly, but they do tell us one way that you might do that, and it is "Do the Media's Work For Them." Basically, give the journalists the story you want them to write, and let THEM print it so it looks authentic....

That's why you notice the similarity in coverage of Lefty events, just like when the CIA fed story-lines to the national press about US-fomented revolutions overseas and called it "Operation Mocking.bird."

Another trick is managing the camera.  You will see tight, close-up shots of "the crowd" when there are only a dozen or so people demonstrating.  You will NEVER see a distance shot which reveals that there is no "crowd" there.

Face it:  reporters are lazy.  They're happy to read an activist's (or, increasingly, lawyer's) letter describing the horrible injustice at hand, and to videotape a tiny demonstration, rather than to ask a lot of hard questions from various sources.

In short?  You're being played, just like Operation Mocking.bird plays you.

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