Sunday, September 11, 2022

"Male", "Female" Soooo Old Testament

Some of you Neanderthal haterrzzz operate under Old Testament rules.  That's how out-of-step you really are, Raaaaaaaacis haterzzz!  

Your "male" and "female" pronoun-usage is illegal, you are guilty.  No trial is needed.  Here is your punishment:

Learn Enlightened 21st Century FACTS, and define the terms in red:

...Under the proposed [Biden] regulation, educational institutions are tasked with accommodating not only males and females who identify as the opposite sex but also "[h]undreds of other" gender identities, including "adeptogender, clowncoric, cluttergender, genderfaun, nanogender, rosboy, quoigender, ultigender, and wistrafluid,"....
You are required to learn the definitions of those genders and submit a 5,000 word essay of apology for your HATEThen take two boosters, burn all your Trump stuff, turn in your guns and ammo and make certain to destroy your AR-Rosary.

We will then escort you, your spouse, and your children to a very *pleasant* camp.  

Your (former) home will be occupied by Pitiable Foreign Refugees who will be brought there by the Bishop of El Paso or Lutheran Social Services under their lucrative Government contracts.  (Some may be carrying bomb-making equipment.  Never mind that.)  And you will be given the opportunity to support those Pitiable Foreign Refugees with tax dollars you'll be happy to turn over to one of our 87,000 new armed IRS agents.

One more thing:  don't even THINK about bringing a Bible, Raaaaaacis' Hater.  This IS the Brave New World.

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