Monday, September 12, 2022

"Mass Formation Hypnosis"? Or PsychoBabble?

 We heard this Professor Desmet on Carlson the other night, and heard about his theory from Doc Malone.  Apparently Desmet also babbled at Alex Jones' place and Rogan's, too.

None of his chatter was convincing, and at least one other critic agrees.

...However, unfortunately, this “mass hypnosis” gibberish has gained enough traction that it has now become dangerous, so I need to do a little new-asshole-tearing. (Fanatical fans of Professor Desmet will probably want to navigate away at this point.)

Ready? OK, here we go.

What we’ve been experiencing for the past two and a half years — and arguably the last six and a half years — is not the result of “mass hypnosis.” The global-capitalist ruling establishment is destabilizing and restructuring societies, globally....

Follows a picture taken in Wuhan, the site of the Chinese Communist bio-weapons factory.  There are a couple of full-suited hazmat types next to some allegedly dead guy.

...Likewise, the people who went New Normal (i.e., the vast majority of most societies) were not “mass hypnotized” or in some kind of trance. They were simply looking out for themselves by conforming to the new official “reality.” This is standard behavior in totalitarian systems, and cults, and even non-totalitarian systems....

Frankly, that's an explanation which has the benefit of being rational and easily understood.

But Desmet has a good racket going here, just like AlGore's Incinerated Planet game.  If you want to buy the book and/or take the 'not-too-expensive' course, go ahead.

I warned you.

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