Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Hepatitis? Yup--The Vaxx

If it's 'never been seen before' you look for 'what changed.'  And 'what changed' is The Vaxx.

...News headlines and mainstream media titles are stating that unvaccinated children are getting hepatitis and liver damage from an unknown cause (or speculating adenoviruses as the cause) but fail to mention that actual case data shows that the WHO classifies children involved in this issue fall under the ages of 0 – 16 years of age, that the majority of cases are in the 1 month – 4 year old age group, and that 100% of the cases in that age range are being active breastfed (or have been breastfed within the last 12 months) by fully vaccinated mothers....

As to the older ones with hep?  Mostly double-vaxxed. 

Surprising that "journalists" haven't found that connection yet, ain'a?

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