Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The Family IS a Target

Sentient and rational human beings know that the Church and the family are targeted by totalitarians.  It's no accident that the Communist Party was calling for 'free sex' from the time of Lenin, as documented by Skousen and read into the Congressional Record.

Why would they do that?

Because the demolition of the family enables and fosters totalitarian government.  Thus, The Pill and abortion are very useful, as Mary Eberstadt tells us.

...Eberstadt traces the beginnings of the identity crisis to the introduction of oral contraceptives in 1960. Along with other forms of birth control, the pill unleashed the sexual revolution that, in turn, caused “the Great Scattering: the unprecedented familial dispersion, now 60-plus years in the making with no end in sight.” Under this new sexual regime, marriages end on a whim, many fathers are absent or unknown, and childbearing—when it does occur—is often severed from marriage and even sexual intercourse.

Eberstadt aptly summarizes the consequences of this familial liquidation: the lasting trauma of children whose parents divorce, the anxiety and confusion besetting those conceived through anonymous sperm donations, the litany of adverse life outcomes associated with absentee fathers, as well as all the missed socialization opportunities for those who grow up without siblings and cousins. If statistics and studies could persuade, then the case for the traditional family would have long since been closed.

The net effect of the Great Scattering is a scourge of loneliness and emotional impoverishment that no amount of GDP growth or Silicon Valley gadgetry can offset. According to a recent survey cited by Eberstadt, nearly half of all Americans feel lonely “sometimes or always.” Generation Z, not surprisingly, is the loneliest generation of them all....
Into this malaise step the Helpers:  "social justice" warriors, Government-is-All charlatans, and Identity Politicians.

Remember Obama's "Julia"?  That was the Brave New World video; it should come as no surprise that Obama and his entire Government were totalitarian wannabees and at the very least, heavily influenced by Communist theory and training.

There are no co-incidences.   Keep that in mind as the Totalitarian class continues its attacks on both the family AND the Church.


Anonymous said...

calvin is not "cool"

Dad29 said...

Actually.....Calvin (the partner of Hobbes in the comics) is a Roman Catholic philosopher. Read all his stuff!