Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Carlson emits more common sense in this few minutes than does all of Congress in a year.

"Preventing virus" by making low-wage people into zero-wage people is ill-considered, if "considered" at all, and the Government Way of simply issuing more bonds and shoveling cash into the problem.......well...........

Those are the typical Inside the Beltway "solutions" which are proposed by typical Inside the Beltway bureaucrats, control freaks, and compulsive twitchers (a/k/a "Congressmen.)"

Tucker mentions the "I" word:  INFLATION.  He's not wrong, and it's a serious, possibly imminent, danger.

He also proposes a solution:  Kurzarbeit--which means "short hours", implemented in Germany during the last Big Recession.  Allow people to work "short" hours, thus earning a paycheck, but not the usual size, then also sending a bit of Gummint money to help.

Trump usually thinks outside the box.  Maybe he should ban all the DC hive-minds from his office and import heartland thinkers for a couple of weeks.

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