Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Northam's "Kill the Baby" IS the (D) Position

Hadley Arkes is a true pro-life legal fighter.  Here he narrates the story of the "Born Alive" bill, which was originally passed in a bi-partisan vote and signed by Bill Clinton.

But that bill had no penalties attached.  Following the Philly Butcher episode, a new version, with penalties, was created.

...With Republicans in control of the House, the new Born-Alive Act was brought to the floor in September 2015, when it passed 248-177. It was brought again in January 2018, when it passed 241-183. Every voting Republican voted for these bills, and every Democrat but five or six, voted in opposition.
And now, with the bill in the Senate, every Republican voted for it, along with three Democrats, while every vote in opposition came from Democrats, holding the line. The bill garnered 56 votes, but short of the 60 needed to overcome the Democratic filibuster.
The Democrats had arrived at the most radical position yet on the matter of abortion – so radical that the Republican managers of the bill, along with President Trump, still haven’t quite figured out how to express it.

The matter was blurted out, almost in passing, by Sen. Patty Murray from Washington. She remarked that “Republicans are peddling a ban that is blatantly unconstitutional.” That is, this move to protect children born alive is incompatible with that “right” proclaimed in Roe v. Wade. For virtually all Democrats now in Congress and national politics, that right to abortion is a right that extends beyond pregnancy itself and entails nothing less than the right to kill a child born alive....
Sadly, Trump has not made this an issue--yet--despite his other praiseworthy pro-life initiatives. Ben Sasse (a popinjay, no more than that) has not made an issue of this, either.

Who could have known that Northam's 'We can kill it later' remark is the Democrat Party position?

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