Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Morics Releases Selective Information

A lot of people who live in the City of Milwaukee will be surprised to read this:

City Comptroller W. Martin "Wally" Morics is reminding them that taxes aren't as high here as in comparable cities.

In his annual comparison of taxes and spending among 10 similar cities, Morics found that, based on 2006 data, Milwaukee remained dead last in total taxes, although it ranked fourth in property taxes.

Yes, Virginia, of COURSE there's a trick here.

In 2006, Morics reported, Milwaukee city government taxes averaged $395 per person, about half the average of $781 for all 10 cities.

What's missing?

1) Whether those "other cities" levy for schools, or not. Milwaukee's school-tax is separate from the City tax. What Morics did NOT provide is 'the rest of the story' on school-taxes.

What else?

2) Whether those "other cities" levy for functions which are levied for the County in Milwaukee.

Somebody ought to ask a few questions: HELLO!! REPORTERS!!!???

1 comment:

J. Gravelle said...

The function of that sort of report is akin to the utility of K-Y Jelly.

Try not to clench, taxpayers. Here it comes...
