Monday, December 30, 2024

The Great Biden Money-Down-Toilet Game

Buck Throckmorton keeps track of all the Electric Vehicle whoring.  In this essay, he remarks on school buses.

There have been some ridiculous market distortions imposed by our government in its effort to replace vehicles powered by gasoline and diesel with those powered by electricity, but perhaps none is more ridiculous than the various subsidies designed to electrify America’s school bus fleet.

The federal government is providing multi-million dollar subsidies to school bus manufacturers for producing electric school buses, and the government is also providing multi-billion dollar subsidies to local school districts to buy these electric buses. One school bus manufacturer, Blue Bird Corporation, is riding high right now, as both streams of free federal money are flowing into its coffers....

Down the throat AND up the a**!!  Yes, it's just like a porn movie. 

...From a news item in the Times-Union newspaper last February, five of the seven electric school buses operated by the Bethlehem (New York) Central School District had been inoperable in preceding weeks....

But the only way to get "free money" is to destroy the old gasoline or diesel buses.  Not trade them in, not sell them to another party, not keep them in the back yard just in case....nope.  Shred the damn things.  So Bethlehem Central District had a problem!

...Aside from being unreliable, electric school buses are also a horrible fit for places with cold winters. The Department of Energy offers some pretty outrageous advice on how to overcome the inherent problem of electric school buses losing their charge in winter. These include:

• Minimize Door Openings: “Consider if you can reduce or minimize the time the doors are open on the bus.”

• Add Heated Driver’s Seats: “Heating a driver’s seat requires much less power than heating the cabin air.”

• Evaluate Worst-Case Cold Weather When Performing Route Analysis: “Consider driving your ESB on various routes during its first season operating in cold weather, starting with the shortest, least demanding route.”

• Store ESBs Indoors Overnight: “If indoor storage is not possible, storing the bus in areas with sunshine during the day helps the bus use less power for cabin heating…”...

Genius!!  Build new buildings to accommodate your entire fleet of buses!!  Heat those buildings, too!!  Make all the children walk six or more blocks to the ONLY bus stop in their entire subdivision!!!  Experiment with different routings for a while and drive Mommies absolutely crazy.  And do NOT heat the 'cabin' where the kids sit.  Make them learn about how the pioneers really lived.  History, and all that!

Every one of those overstuffed pale, nerds at DoE is paid more than $100K/year and they chauffeur their own kids to their private school.  

How did I guess that?

The H-1B Recruiting Game

 So happens an acquaintance went through this Beee Esss.  More than a couple of times.

Wauck found a post quoting a DM from a corporate headhunter.

...Just got a dm from someone who works in recruiting at one of big tech companies. He said it's internal policy within the team he works for to reserve roles for what they call “outside talent”.

They are not allowed to recruit Americans for these roles but must go through the motions of setting up interviews with Americans. He said he and his colleagues try to keep these calls short 10-15min or some of them just ghost the call completely.

They then work with an international recruiting firm out of India to fill these roles.

He said the purpose is budgetary in nature. Since they pay less to these H-1B hires they can keep talent costs low by allocating a certain amount of head count to these candidates.

He also said that the “talent shortage” narrative is false. They get an overwhelming amount of qualified American candidates. They are just not allowed to hire them.

5:08 PM · Dec 29, 2024

If you're wondering why people are angry, try going through dozens of these fake interviews. Spending hrs preparing for each one just to not get a call back. Thats if the interviewer even has the decency to show.

They have no idea whats bubbling under the surface in this country. I've gotten hundreds more dms since posting this with people sharing the same or similar stories. A lot of people have reported this abuse to USCIS but it’s become clear they have no interest in investigating any of this. Criminal. USCIS needs to be reformed....

Happened to my acquaintance with both West Coast companies AND locals

And what's "bubbling under the surface" could turn out to be far uglier than a mere George Floyd event.

Be Careful Who You Listen To on H5N1DOOM DOOM

RedState provides a word of caution on the new H5N1 (bird flu) yammering.

...These virus scares plow through the media about annually. As recently as August, we were warned about a monkeypox pandemic. How you react is a matter of prudential judgment, but in this case, I'd say that the history of the cast of characters demanding we take the scare seriously goes a long way toward undermining the likelihood of it being anything other than a line of attack against the incoming administration....

You'll find the loud voices at the link.  All are very familiar if you were paying attention during CoVid.

Tik Tok Is Now Irrelevant to "Security"

The great TikTok controversy?

Irrelevant.  Immaterial.

As Wauck mentioned (and we re-mentioned), due to the Biden Regime's idiocy-cum-malfeasance, the Red Chinese already have back-door entry to every major telecomm in the US, eight at last count.  They can not only read or hear your conversations, but they can steal all your money from your bank or investment house.

All TikTok can do is read your conversations.  Pathetic, eh?

So who the Hell cares about TikTok?

Only those entities who wish to exert monopolistic control you from INSIDE this country.

On Marc Elias

Elias is one of the slimiest lawyers ever spawned by Satan a Jewish woman.  He was the inventor and sponsor of almost all the election-fraud devices used by the Democrats; it would not surprise me to learn that he spent years laying the groundwork for the Covid-Election Fraud/Manipulation of '20.  

(It is noteworthy that the Wisconsin AG Kaul once worked for Elias.  It is also noteworthy that Elias' original lawfirm, Perkins Coie, "separated" from him a couple of years ago.)

He has quit Twitter/X.  An actual patriot left a post for him to read.  You will benefit from paying attention to that post, too.

Go Get 'Em, Ron!!

 RoJo is a subject-matter expert on this issue.

Ron Johnson, R-WI,..... will begin overseeing the Senate’s most powerful investigative body, says the government’s vaccine safety system is no longer protecting Americans adequately because of conflicts of interest and lack of transparency, and he is vowing to work with the incoming Trump administration to press for sweeping reforms....

 ...Asked whether the current safety system led by the Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was adequately protecting Americans, Johnson answered: “I would say absolutely not.”...

How does he know that?

 ...Johnson pointed to a Harvard study that came out before the COVID-19 pandemic that projected only one percent of side effects from vaccines were properly reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reports System (VAERS) database.

“We have, and this isn't just unique to our federal health agencies. I think this really applies across the board to government, the capture of these federal agencies by the corporate interests that these agencies are basically established to regulate,” he said Friday on the Just the News, No Noise television show....

There's a thinly-disguised hint in there that some ambitious Wisconsin State leggie might pursue; it probably is not only the Fed agencies which are captured.  Wouldn't hurt at all to take a very hard look at Wisconsin's Dep't of Education Malformation and its CESA subsidiaries.

Just sayin'.....

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Is Chlorine-Treated Water a Danger?

Most of you remember that Dr. Pierre Kory was one of the physicians who was "othered" during the Covid scare, because Dr. Kory realized and publicized the dangers (and futility) of intubation, among other EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVILLLLLLLLLL things.

Yah, sure.

Anyhow, Kory essayed on the use of chlorine.

...By the end of this post, I hope to convince you that the treatment many thought that Trump was referring to (e.g. chlorine dioxide which is NOT bleach (bleach is sodium hypochlorite) is not only an extremely safe and highly effective treatment for Covid, but it also works against a diverse and likely complete array of pathogenic organisms.

You also won’t be surprised to learn that nearly every single health or regulatory agency in the world refers to chlorine dioxide as “bleach” or “bleach-like” and they maintain that there is “insufficient evidence” to recommend it as a treatment (and also that it is “very dangerous and should never be ingested.” Sound familiar?

By now, most of my readers can already call bullshit. Statements from authorities like the ones above are indefensible given the fact that over 500 U.S public water treatment plants add chlorine dioxide to the water full time and as many as 900 use it either part time or seasonally (Leister 2021). Safety levels of orally ingested doses have been well established and are far above therapeutic dosing ranges, period.

Further, numerous oral care and dental products on the market contain chlorine dioxide and a number of trials using intravenous chlorine dioxide have been done safely.

It would appear, once again, that like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, chlorine dioxide is the target of a Disinformation campaign given how broadly effective, inexpensive, and widely available it is as a therapeutic. To demonstrate how “dangerous” chlorine dioxide is to the powers that be, know that chlorine dioxide was attacked as a proposed treatment for Covid -19 even before HCQ and ivermectin. It literally was one of the first therapeutics “they” tried to discredit as physicians across the world were searching for effective therapeutics for our patients We were simply told to stay away from “bleach” (which seemed reasonable to me at the time)....

Well, then.  It would appear that the question about chloride is more a matter of "when", "how often", and "how much" than whether the stuff has very good effects.

Hey, Elon!! Vivek!! Lookie Here....

Shall we talk about "degrees", whether earned or purchased, as is the custom in India

Bach, Beethoven, Titian, DaVinci, Shakespeare and John Moses Browning were not graduates of IIT, ya'know.

FedGov "Security" Watchdog--Another MASSIVE FAIL

Rest assured, these are highly-compensated individuals.  There is a CIA-spinoff agency that's been around at least since CoVid:

...It’s called CISA, [Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency] and its a spinoff from the CIA. Like the CIA, it’s supposed to be protecting the US from foreign intel activity...

OK, good!  Keep those nasty foreign bad guys out of our cybers and securities, and infra....yah. OK.

Well......not really 'so good.'  Read the post linked here from Wauck (which quotes Brownstone Institute extensively) to find out what that bunch was actually doing.

When you do, you'll understand this: we are at the end of of 2024, and look what happened in November. You might what else CISA was doing during the years that it was focused on controlling the thoughts of American citizens. One thing we now know that they weren’t doing was actually fulfilling their mandate to secure the national cyber infrastructure. We know this because CISA just backhandedly told us so, via a must read article that dissects their new CYA guide on best security practices....

Wait, what?  Wasn't CISA supposed to be preventing FOREIGN INTRUSIONS into our cybers?

 Sure.  They took a lot of money from taxpayers for that.

But they didn't do it.  Not even close.  So they issued a "guidance" last October.

...First, the guidance was complex from even the cybersecurity expert’s point of view, much less the average, typical user of mobile computing and smartphones.

the document did not reference any of the “Typhoon” series of Chinese intrusions that were first revealed by Microsoft in May of 2023.

And third,
after years of lecturing everyone on the merits and virtues of 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) there was a sentence that belied panic.

The lead was buried in the third point of guidance: “Do not use SMS as a second factor for authentication.”

What is the real message in this seemingly prosaic, mundane, and forgettable techie release?

DHS CISA and the entire U.S. Government have been manhandled by the Chinese Typhoon series of intrusions, …

Data Centers, Routers, and Servers now have been broken into en masse. China is squatting inside of Verizon, Comcast, Google, Apple, Microsoft and all other environments …

Do not use SMS as a second factor for authentication” is a white flag of surrender that admits the Chinese Ministry of State Security (MSS) has created a cyber redoubt inside the ISP networks and can see that 2FA code texted to you, which means they can immediately use that 2FA code to enter your secure websiteincluding U.S. Government Websites, or personal websites such as your banking or investments 
--quoting Gateway Pundit

Oh, yah--what CISA was actually doing during/after Covid?

"Monitoring and handling" the election security of '20 (the one Trump won) and '22.  You know:  countering 'dis- and mis-information, using Microsoft, Google, Twitter, the "press" to do the dirty.

Well, by all means:  bring in a bunch more H-1B's to fix that!!

The Bee Foresees..........Cricket?

Since the Babylon Bee is a reliable news source, unlike the NYTimes, ABC News, or the local rag (no matter what locality you live in), we present the following news item:

 In a blow to America's favorite pastime, Vivek Ramaswamy has officially announced that the Department Of Government Efficiency will be replacing baseball with cricket.

All baseball bats in America will be confiscated and replaced with absurdly over-sized paddles, and baseball fields will have a few sticks jammed into the ground to convert them into cricket fields.

Though many Americans expressed resistance to the idea, Ramaswamy assured the nation it would come to love cricket once it understood the rules. "It's really quite simple," explained Ramaswamy. "You just throw the whicky-whopper at the wicket wands, aiming a beamer at the block hole, and the walloper hits the boot hill and runs the bowling box for half a point if no one donkey drops the nibble. Of course, it's an extra three fourths of a point if the slingy bowls a paddle scoop, and the game keeps going until a nipbacker nets a gully grubber."...

Elon Musk agreed, saying that 'anyone who prefers baseball should be eradicated from the Republican Party, root and branch.'

George Will could not be reached for comment.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

More on Those Subcontinental Indians

This from an Apple hiring manager, posted by Vox:

...I talked at many dozens of Indians, and quickly learned a few things that are invariant: they are helpfully accommodating to the point of obsequiousness, and this holds regardless of whether they have any clue what they’re talking about. This is crucial to understand.

When you are speaking with an Indian, you are not communicating. You are engaging in a choreographed dance where they are exclusively tasked with mirroring your moves, and leaving you to walk away thinking that your needs will be satisfied. And that is all that has happened. If you don’t know which follow-up questions to ask, you’ll have no idea that you’ve just been handled by an entity that understands how to “close,” but not how to deliver anything promised. The idea of the latter is never even part of the equation. Utterly alien minds to us.

One of Britain’s greatest crimes was teaching them to speak with that hackneyed, goobledygook accent, because it simply fries the brains of most Americans. It is scamouflage for the fact that they will lie, lie, lie as easily as you or I draw breath. It’s indescribable. Thankfully, I became good enough at technical interviewing that a couple simple questions would break their lies wide open, & I could simply nope out in good conscience. After a while, a glance at such resumes told me how the conversations would go, optimizing away the rest....

You'll also recall that we alluded to this in our post on the matter:

... I watched as a couple Indian hires within 18 months turned into an almost wholesale replacement of any other race in the blighted departments. The degree of their apparently illegal hiring practices cannot be overstated. But of course, who is going to complain, and to whom? One of my last cross-functional meetings at the company, myself & one or two other guys from our org met with one of the terraformed orgs. There were 25 of them packed into a room for a meeting that required 5 people tops....

Think we're just making s**t up?  Then take a long listen to Ticker--who made a fortune by programming computers and building a company.  He blows up every.  single.  claim.  made by Musk, RamaJamma, and the "Tech Bros."

Ramaswampy can shove his pissing & moaning right up his ass.

THE Indictment of the Ruling Class

 Wauck is rarely passionate, but....

...You can say what you want about Trump, but he didn’t ride down the golden elevator to get a free ride for the next four, eight, twelve years, to pardon his kids, or to get rich through corrupting the highest office in the land. Zhou did all those things, and it was OK with the Ruling Class. They covered for him. Trump actually wanted to act as the POTUS according to the job description outlined in The Constitution of the United States of America. That was and is his fatal flaw in the eyes of the Ruling Class. Their ideal POTUS was Zhou....

We've asked the question that Wauck asked earlier in that post:  since everyone in the Senate knew what a crook Biden really was, why no Senate action against him prior to his VP stint, or President stint?

You know the answer as well as I do.  They are all--roughly--the same. 

I can't wait for Gaetz to begin leaking.

FAFO for UW System's Rothman

Amusing story about the UW-System's hide-and-seek game--and how it backfired.

The University of Wisconsin is once again looking at a delay in building a new UW-Madison engineering building...

... Republicans in the Wisconsin Senate on Wednesday voted down a proposal to spend $70 million on four building projects across the UW system....


Because that $70 million had been allocated to a science building at UW-Eau Claire, but when the bids were opened, the winning bid was $70 million less than allocated.

What did the UW-System do next?  Exactly what bureaucrats do best:  scheme and plot on the topic "How to spend this money without telling anybody we really didn't need it."

..."The Senate members’ No vote stemmed from UW officials’ lack of transparency and an inability or unwillingness to answer critical questions relating to these projects. Refusing to answer questions creates an adversarial relationship between the UW and the legislature that benefits neither us, nor the taxpayers who invest billions of their hard-earned dollars in your system each year."...

And it wasn't just a few weeks' delay, either.

 ...Sen. Andre Jacque, R-DePere, called the UW’s request a “bait and switch.”

“I am floored that bids for the UW-Eau Claire project came back more than $70 Million, more than 20%-below, what was expected all the way back in March of this year, and we didn’t hear a peep about it from DOA until last week,” Jacque said. “Apparently [the Department of Administration] and the UW have been working for months on plans to re-spend the money, but no one in the legislature was consulted until now. And I’m even more stunned that we are now immediately being asked to spend all of this cash right away on a Christmas tree of items without that discussion with the legislature that appropriated the funds in the first place, in order to keep that money from potentially being saved up or returned to the taxpayers...

So now the UW-System will see a number of projects on hold, including a crown-jewel Engineering building on the Madison campus.

FAFO, Jay Rothman.  You are as dumb as we thought you were.  (Several more posts on Rothman can be read here.)

The Whine Is Loud

In one word, NO.  In two words?  You know, right?

Questions for Vivek.....

Ramaswamy is amusing.  Here's a part of his "logic" demanding more H-1Bs....

...“‘Normalcy’ doesn’t cut it in a hyper-competitive global market for technical talent,” Ramaswamy said. “And if we pretend like it does, we’ll have our asses handed to us by China.”...

So, Vivek, old chap, why isn't China importing thousands of Indians?


The rest of that column brings up another question for Vivek (and his allies, such as Musk):  Do you seriously think that the purpose of Americans' lives is to serve The State?

(We also note that Vivek is part of the large chorus which finds Another Enemy--Red China.

We must have enemies, whether Eastasia or Eurasia.)

For the Record.....