Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Mossad vs. the FBI

This is one wherein the FBI actually turns out to be the Good Guys.

...The FBI is America’s lead counterintelligence agency. As such, the FBI’s #1 priority is protecting America (and Americans) from foreign intelligence services that engage in espionage and target USPersons to turn against America. Israel is a country with a long and well documented history of espionage against America, of targeting, compromising (for action against America), and even killing Americans—yes, the USS Liberty and Rachel Corrie are two examples that come to mind immediately. The total tally of cases that confirm the FBI’s designation of Israel’s Mossad as an HIS (Hostile Intelligence Service) is too long to go into here. Think of Jeffrey Epstein, Jonathan Pollard (now leading a hero’s life in Israel for betraying America), the Larry Franklin/AIPAC case, the well documented spying and eavesdropping on US officials (up to and including the POTUS), the same regarding members of Congress—not to mention the special status of AIPAC and the Israel Lobby generally to operate as agents of Israel without registering....

Mossad, a Hostile Intelligence Service.

Who'da thunk?


Anonymous said...

I’ll believe it when they’re behind bars and rotting in prison

Anonymous said...

Catholic radio has some guy going on and on about we are not allowed to hate Jews. He is right in the that we should not hate Gods creations but the command is to love your enemy. Now I have been taught that love in this sense means to want what is best for that person, regardless if it benefits yourself or not. What is best for any person is the salvation of their soul.

It has been over 50 generations since the entirety of the Roman Empire became Christian, so there is not a single Jewish person is the Western world that is unaware of the message of Christ. Practicing Jews are individuals who have chosen to disbelieve that message. So we should not hate them, but neither should we assist or encourage them when they perpetrate evil. Jesus never said help the soldiers build crosses or sell them the wood.

Anonymous said...

Congress has no right to force the heresy of Christian Zionism upon faithful Catholics