Monday, July 01, 2024

No Juice for EV Chargers

We all knew about this a decade ago.

Businesses building electric vehicle charging stations say that finding enough electricity is a major -- perhaps fatal -- problem

Of the 211 developers surveyed by Xendee, a California-based software company, 75% said that electric grid limitations are among the biggest roadblock to building EV charging infrastructure. The total cost of the infrastructure was a problem for 63% of the respondents, and permitting delays were cited by 53% of those surveyed. ...

An indirect sign of the same problem is the reluctance of school bus companies to jam their fleets with EV's.  Their terminals simply do not have the heavy-duty electrical feeds from the utilities to ram high-amp charges into the buses.

While it has not yet affected ordinary consumers who have an EV, it will become a problem if everybody on the block buys one and they all try to charge up at the same time.

Especially if they're relying on windmills and sun-catchers to provide the juice.

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