This makes a lot of sense.
...The problem with the vast majority of our so-called military experts is their inability to understand the Russian approach to war. It is the result of an approach we have already seen in waves of terrorist attacks—the adversary is so stupidly demonized that we refrain from understanding his way of thinking. As a result, we are unable to develop strategies, articulate our forces, or even equip them for the realities of war. The corollary of this approach is that our frustrations are translated by unscrupulous media into a narrative that feeds hatred and increases our vulnerability. We are thus unable to find rational, effective solutions to the problem.
The way Russians understand conflict is holistic. In other words, they see the processes that develop and lead to the situation at any given moment. This explains why Vladimir Putin’s speeches invariably include a return to history. In the West, we tend to focus on X moment and try to see how it might evolve. We want an immediate response to the situation we see today. The idea that “from the understanding of how the crisis arose comes the way to resolve it” is totally foreign to the West. In September 2023, an English-speaking journalist even pulled out the “duck test” for me: “if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.” In other words, all the West needs to assess a situation is an image that fits their prejudices. Reality is much more subtle than the duck model….via Vox
Look at Lindsey Graham as the archetype of 'the West's way' and you'll understand the problem--particularly since Graham actually has influence in D.C.
……This explains why Vladimir Putin’s speeches invariably include a return to history. In the West, we tend to focus on X moment and try to see how it might evolve. We want an immediate response to the situation we see today. The idea that “from the understanding of how the crisis arose comes the way to resolve it” is totally foreign to the West……….
History is important!!! Never ever Forget who hates you like no other!!!!
'We're Fed Up With It': Survivors of the USS Liberty Look for Answers 55 Years Later
Russia: Reacting to changes in reality and adapting.
The West: Whack a mole and return to selling the narrative.
Vox was right about returning to history
Here is the interview that demonstrates his point. Mesmerizing speech . Liked how much Putin embraced Christian culture as a unifying force in Russia- Greg
Tucker interviews Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Russia. February 6th, 2024.
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