Tuesday, January 02, 2024

More on Cdl. Dolan's "Illegals" Appeal

We mentioned that Cdl. Dolan of NYC is going to re-educate Catholics about their "duty" to illegal immigrants.

We also mentioned that one of his NYC parishes told him to stuff it.

Commenting on the Tucker/Shapiro imbroglio, Z-Man hits the trifecta on both discussions.

...The fact that Tucker has not been hurled into the void over this speaks to the changing nature of public consciousness. America and the West are heading into a time for choosing in which people must think about the question of loyalty. Are you more loyal to an abstract concept or to people who look like you, sound like you and share your same concerns about your community? We are entering a time when people begin to think about their hierarchy of loyalties and their identity as people.

It also speaks to the fact that the old pseudo-loyalties are breaking down. When the concept of American has been watered down to the point where it often means caring more for strangers than your own family, it is not hard to see why increasing numbers of Americans are no longer moved by calls to patriotism....

I would have inserted quote-marks around the word "patriotism," (like that, see??) but you get the drift.  The good Cardinal doesn't.


Tito Edwards said...

Dolan is a little boy yelling at the top of his head, "look at me, look at me" as Pope Francis looks on.

Dad29 said...

So you think that +Dolan is picking up Francis' dislike of US Catholics to get a happy-face from Francis?


What's +Dolan get out of that? He's near retirement.....

Tito Edwards said...

Nothing Machiavellian. I understand that he desperately wants out of New York. So a quick acceptance of his 'resignation' is what he's pining for.

Anonymous said...

New York is a shit hole
Who wouldn’t want to escape from it

Anonymous said...

Galatians 3,16