Monday, January 29, 2024

Ace Goes Off the Rails

We value Ace/AOSHQ for a number of reasons.

But now and then, Ace sorta wanders into LaLaLand.

...I know Tucker Carlson is now claiming that unspecified "interests" in the US want a war with Iran that no one else does and will not stop until they get it.

But it sure seems to me like Iran wants a war, and that the impulse to "blame America first" is now becoming a major part of what is called "America First." (Or America Only, as some call it.) This is/was a common claim on the left, that all aggression by foreign regimes is/was always due to America pushing/manipulating the foreign attackers into it. And it now seems to be a major -- perhaps dominant -- strain of thought on the MAGA right as well....

No, Ace.  Iran wants the US out of the Middle East, especially from its ILLEGAL BASES in Iraq and Syria.  Our presence, since it's regarded as 'defending Israel', is not welcome by Iran, nor Syria, nor Iraq. 

The MAGA that I espouse is one which minds its own business and protects ONLY the Vital National Interests of the US.  Yes, I know that Limbaugh claimed the invasion of Iraq was all about "the free flow of oil" but he was fed that line by........interests.......and stuck to it no matter how silly he looked.

But 'the free flow of oil' for vital US interests can be ginned up by domestic and Canadian sources.  We do not need the Oils of Araby.  Europe does; where the Hell are they?

Yes, you want us to defend Israel pretty much no matter what it takes.

Strap on an M-4, pal.

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