Monday, October 09, 2023

Inflation, No Matter What Bai-Den Says

Ol' Lyin' Joe tells you that inflation is dropping.

Not so, of course; it's merely eating you at a slower pace.  Feel good??

The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis released new data Wednesday for how the Personal Consumption Expenditure, a key marker of inflation, rose in each state last year. According to the BEA, PCE is a measure of the prices Americans pay for goods and services.

“Nationally, personal consumption expenditures (PCE), in current dollars, increased 9.2 percent in 2022 after increasing 12.9 percent in 2021....

So if you add 12.9 plus 9.2, you get 22.1.  But Ol' Lyin' Joe doesn't get that, since White House food is free, just like his health care (considerable expense) and transportation.

So STFU, peasant.

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