Friday, March 31, 2023

The Zelenskiy Surrender Dance

This guy can read the tea leaves.

President Volodymyr Zelensky has claimed that defeat in Bakhmut, despite the narrative that it is strategically unimportant, would result in the international community and a “tired” Ukrainian public pressuring him to compromise with Russia – which he does not want to do....

...With Ukraine increasingly incurring heavy losses defending Bakhmut, U.S. officials began offering public criticism of Kyiv’s determination to hold the eastern city by the beginning of 2023, urging Kyiv to focus on preparing for a Spring counter-offensive rather than fixating on the city’s defence.

That advice has not been taken, however, with a British intelligence update on Wednesday indicating that Ukrainian forces are actually putting more resources into counter-attacks in the city in order to reopen key supply routes....

Zelenskiy has lost the support of the Ukrainian population and is getting an ass-kicking at Bakhmut.  This will cost the Biden Crime Family its usual bribe payments.  It's likely there are other bribes being paid to other Deep State legislators and bureaucrats, too.  

That's what Zelenskiy is saying.

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