Thursday, March 23, 2023

SCOWI "Justice" Opens Flap, Inserts Size 12

Here's an example of Democrat/Union/Abortionist-elected "judges."

Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Jill Karofsky labeled allegations that a sitting judge seeking a seat on Wisconsin’s highest court has been accused by two people of using the “N-word” an “enormous distraction,” even though one says Janet Protasiewicz used the racial slur to refer to black parents involved in Children’s Court....

Protasiewicz-of-the-Crazy-Eyes, a mean drunk spouse-abuser and gold digger, has NEVER denied the accusations.

But "Justice" Karofsky did, without having bothered to speak to the accusers (yes, TWO, and yes, NOT anonymous.)

What did you expect?  Measured, evidence-based judgment?

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