Thursday, March 30, 2023

Tammy Baldwin's Prison-Camp Bill

Yes, sweet li'l Tammy is co-sponsoring a bill which will turn this country into a prison camp.

It's S.686.  Jesse Watters has the text and a quick summary of the 9,000 ways YOU can be imprisoned, including for using a VPN, all at the sole discretion of a political appointee, NOT reviewable by any court.

You won't be surprised to find that Mittens Romney is also a co-sponsor.  In fact, all the Senators listed are the property of the Deep State--or are so damn dumb that they signed on because they didn't read it and 'it sounded so nice!!'

We think Tammy's dumber than a box of rocks, but that doesn't mean she isn't malevolent, too.

Side-note:  Linnnnndseeeeeeey!! Graham is a worthless piece of shit.

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