Friday, March 03, 2023

The Ryan-Vos-Priebus "Private Club"

The 'better conservative thinking' (Paul Ryan) "private club" (Vos and Priebus) Republican Party is likely to throw Chip Roy out next.

Never mind that he's a sitting Congressman with an (R) label.  

He's not being an Obedient Servant of the Club Leaders.

...Addressing “every member of the Republican Conference,” Roy said, “If you do not secure the border now — now — you are giving up any argument you have for the American people to put their faith in you.”  

“Will Republicans honor their campaign commitments to secure the border? Yes or no?” he asked.  

He then expressed his doubts over the likelihood of such commitments being fulfilled.

“What I am seeing right now from my Republican colleagues does not give me faith that they will stand up in the breach, as did those men who stood on the wall at the Alamo,” he said. 

Claiming to be “tired of words,” Roy vowed that “things are going to change in this body.”

“If my Republican colleagues believe that they’re going to be moving through relatively meaningless provisions, doing precious damn little for the very people who sent us here to change things, and they think that some of us are just going to go along for the ride — they are sorely mistaken,” he said. ...

Worse than that, he has ideas (which may not pass Paul Ryan's delicate and oh-so-refined 'sniffer' test):

...We should pass a bill off this floor saying that we will raise the debt ceiling, but only — only — if you end the disastrous student loans that are going to cost $400 billion and drive up the cost of higher ed; only if you rescind the $91 billion of unobligated COVID money; only if you go rescind the $80 billion designed to increase the IRS to go after taxpayers, including by the way, more often, the poorest among us and minorities; only if you will return spending to 2022 levels, getting our spending back to pre-COVID levels. And make sure that we cap spending so we stop funding the woke weaponized bureaucracy that’s going after the American people.  ...

Roy is a moderate.  Nothing wrong with zeroing out the Department of Education and cutting EPA in half, slicing 33% from the budget of the FBI and 75% of the budget of BATF, and while we're at it, chop 33% of the CIA and 50% of State.


Chip Roy's right:  the Ryan-Vos-Priebus "Private Club" of Oooooooh-La-La Innerlekshuls-with-Pinky-Raised-for-Tea is largely useless.


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