Monday, December 05, 2022

Democrats Need the Immature Voters

Fresh from their Howard Zinn history classes.....they'll vote!!  And we propose a deal to test the "good faith" of the progressive jackwads.

The Democrat-led movement to lower the legal voting age to 16 — or in some cases even younger — is gaining momentum nationwide, scoring local victories while winning the support of lawmakers and activists on the political left....

 ...Progressive members of the City Council argued that lowering the voting age would help young people build a habit of voting and make them more likely to continue being politically engaged later in life. ...

..."Young people are working, paying taxes," said City Councilor Julia Mejia, who cosponsored the petition. "When it comes to making a decision as to who's going to represent them, that has been denied to them."

And here's the real reason:

...Mejia also dismissed the notion that 16- and 17-year-old kids may not be mature enough to make important political decisions, saying that "oftentimes it's young people who are educating their parents and their uncles and aunts and older folks about who's running for office and why they should vote."...

'Educating their parents,' eh?  

Here's a deal for you, Julia:  when the 16-y-o can purchase guns, we'll talk about giving them the vote. 

After all, they're working and paying taxes, right?

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