Saturday, December 17, 2022

Is Catholic Charities Catholic? Yes and No

Interesting ruling here.  

...In Catholic Charities Bureau, Inc. v. State of Wisconsin Labor and Industry Review Commission, (WI App., Dec. 13, 2022), a Wisconsin state appellate court held that Catholic Charities and its sub-entities are not exempt from the Wisconsin Unemployment Compensation Act as organizations "operated primarily for religious purposes." It emphasized that the statute should be "liberally construed to effect unemployment compensation coverage for workers who are economically dependent upon others in respect to their wage-earning status." The court said that it must look to the work of Catholic Charities, not the Catholic Church itself, to determine whether there is an exemption.  Deciding that the court should look both to motives and activities, the court concluded that while Catholic Charities has a religious motivation for its work, the nature of its activities is not religious....

The immediate effect--barring appeal--is that Catholic Charities will have to provide unemployment compensation insurance for its employees.  (But 'regular' Catholic entities do NOT have to make such provision.  Hmmmmm)

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