Sunday, October 02, 2022

More WEC Tricks!

The Wisconsin Election Commission Democrat-Electing Machine has a new trick.

Actually, it's a new illegal "guidance."  They love them some illegal 'guidances,' don't they?

 ...In an Aug. 1, 2022, memorandum sent to all Wisconsin municipal clerks, WEC instructed that after a voter submits an absentee ballot, he can request to “spoil” that ballot and receive a new one if he changes his mind or makes a mistake. Furthermore, in an Aug. 2 memo, WEC allows clerks to “invalidate” a “spoiled ballot” on behalf of the voter.

Such guidance violates Wisconsin statute, which states that a voter possesses the exclusive authority to spoil his absentee ballot before it is submitted, not after. If the voter spoils his absentee ballot before he casts it, he must return the ballot to the clerk (who then destroys it) and request a new one. 

With WEC’s new guidance, however, a clerk may invalidate a “spoiled” ballot on behalf of the voter, thereby increasing the potential for fraud or abuse in the absentee voting process....

Surprised?  Fraud?  Election Fraud?  Here, in Wisconsin?

Remember:  The WEC is the creation of Robin Vos and Scott Fitzgerald.

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