Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Well, Actually, Jessica......

We are amused by Ms. McBride's comment here:

...Attack ads against Rebecca Kleefisch are funded by a group, Midwest Growth Inc., that recently received money from a WEAC-funded organization run by the union president behind the infamous Scott Holes campaign. That campaign may have cost Scott Walker the last election....

Scott Walker, overall, did a helluva good job for Wisconsin.  But Scott had two major failings:  he was not good with selecting personnel, and he NEVER met a maintenance project that he liked.  The Domes are prelude to the roads.

"ScottHoles" hit Scott where it hurts because it was accurate.

As to funding?  Walker flat-out refused to move automobile sales-tax revenues into the highway funding account for no good reason (except he could show a big revenue surplus.)  The roads, all the way down to the village level, were pretty damned bad, but hey!  Scott didn't pay to repair your car!! 

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