Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Another Totalitarian Fed Judge

This case will go further up the chain.  Montgomery County's school board refuses to tell parents that their child/ren are trannies, so......

...Three parents, who filed anonymously in 2020 against the Montgomery County Board of Education (MCBE), argued that the guidelines curtailed their ability “to direct the care, custody, education, and control of their minor children,” under the Fourteenth Amendment, according to a memorandum opinion....

 ...Judge Paul W. Grimm sided with the MCBE’s argument that the guidelines advance the state’s goal of protecting students’ safety and privacy, according to the memo.

“MCBE certainly has a legitimate interest in providing a safe and supportive environment for all MCPS students, including those who are transgender and gender nonconforming,” Grimm said in the memo. “And the Guidelines are certainly rationally related to achieving that result.”...

(Wouldn't surprise me to find that Hagedorn would issue the same ruling, by the way.)

Grimm is a Sparklefarts appointee in case you didn't guess that.  No question that Dreher's thesis is correct, but it may be a few years before the State enforces this sort of thing across-the-board.

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