Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Do-Little Nappy-Nap Evers

Actually supervising agency heads would interfere with Tony's nappy-nap time.

Wisconsin professionals — from psychologists and social workers to security workers and welders —  have experienced the same kinds of bureaucratic nightmares as the tens of thousands of jobless Wisconsinites stuck in Evers’ incompetent Department of Workforce Development. Many say DSPS left them on hold for hours, lost their paperwork, and failed to update their files. The story is the same over and over again: DSPS is quick to cash their checks, very slow to process their license applications....

What was FolksyTony doing about it?

Damned little.

 ...And Evers could have done something to fix it. Instead, inexplicably, his incompetent agency waited more than a year to request the millions of dollars the Joint Finance Committee had set aside for system upgrades. In fact, the agency made the request just two weeks ago, DSPS officials told the legislative committee. Emails show an absentee governor who had no contact with his DSPS secretary about the ongoing license crisis....

That's a pattern of practice for Nap-Needing Tony.

... Evers had little contact with his bumbling Department of Workforce Development secretary as Wisconsin’s jobless waited months and months for their unemployment checks. The governor appears to have met with his Workforce Development chief just one time between March 1 and Sept. 18, 2020 — and that was to finally fire him amid growing public pressure....

But he CAN get out of bed--to attack Kenosha cops, for example--or to drive an un-registered truck to pretend he's a regular guy in a campaign ad.

Wisconsin has the chance to give Tony what he really wants:  LOTS of nappy-nap time when he's booted in November.  Let's grant his wish.

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