Thursday, October 13, 2011

Van Hollen 'Forks' Walker With "Emergency Rules" on CCW

If you play chess, you know what I mean in the title..

Here's more:

One of the most important things to remember is that these proposed rules are "emergency rules", which actually makes them temporary.

This means that Walker can accept them--and incur some wrath from the gun-rights group, or reject them--and incur MORE wrath, as Van Hollen will take even more time to come up with 'regular' rules.


So here is the rule which NRA has a problem with:  (see lines 202-ffd.)

The name, address, and telephone number of the person or entity responsible for the firearms safety or training course. This may be an individual instructor, a national or state organization, a law enforcement agency, an educational institution, a firearms training school, or another public or private institution or organization.  

The name of the instructor who taught the firearms safety or training course to the applicant and the name of the agency or organization that certified the instructor.

A signed statement by the instructor who taught the firearms safety or training course to the applicant affirming that the course satisfied the definition of a firearms safety or in s. Jus 17.03(8) and that the applicant successfully completed the course. An affirmation that the applicant merely attended the course is not sufficient to satisfy this requirement

The NRA's standard form certifying training does not include all the items the AG requires.

1 comment:

Paul - Berry Laker said...

Is there someone else to replace Van Hollen when he comes up for reelection?

What an empty suit.