Saturday, February 13, 2010

U Ala Shooter: Even MORE Shootings

Evidently this woman has a history.

In 1986, she plugged her brother with a 12-ga shotgun three times following an argument. He died.

But the REAL fun is here:

Braintree officers who remember the 1986 shooting said that former police Chief John Polio dismissed detectives from the case and ordered the department to release Amy Bishop after a telephone conversation with former district attorney William Delahunt.

Delahunt is currently a U.S. congressman from Massachusetts.

The records of the case disappeared from the files in 1987 or so.


jimspice said...

I've heard the earlier shooting referred to as an accident. 3 times?! Some accident!

jimspice said...

Oh. One was in the wall supposedly prior to the event, and one into the ceiling. Still, hardly "addidental" with a pump action.