Saturday, August 03, 2024

Oh, Yeah: THIS Kamala Harris

Did not recall this one.

...When pro-life journalist David Daleiden published videos of Planned Parenthood executives nonchalantly discussing the selling of body parts, Harris had his home raided, seized evidence, and then tried to throw him in prison. She later teamed up with the abortion mill to write legislation that would squash the free speech rights of other pro-lifers....Harsany quoted at AOSHQ

Lots more at the link above, such as:

...Axios, a popular Washington insider online news organization, not only scrubbed part of its story from 2021 reporting Harris was "appointed by Biden as border czar," but also said in an editor's note that it had "incorrectly" labeled Harris a border czar. At least it admitted it originally called her that.

It was one of the most remarkably dishonest moments in American journalism, a once revered industry that in recent years has lost the trust of the people to report the news in a full, fair and accurate way. And it wasn't just Axios. The gaslighting of readers across multiple news organizations has been equally repulsive -- and it may just be the final straw in that relationship between readers and news organizations....quoting Zito

You may have noticed that the MSM is chock-full of "Kamala GREATEST" half-truths, starting with their "polls" (using 60 (D)/40 (R) sets, a ridiculous split) and moving toward their "MASSIVE fund-raising" claptrap--where they fail to mention that whale (D) donors had withheld $80++ million from the Biden effort, not to mention the Smurfing through Act Blue, moving donations from overseas (?) Russian sources (?), or good ol' Georgie Soros....

Yet they wonder why people don't buy their birdcage liner any more.

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