Thursday, August 22, 2024

"Vote Early"? Only Fools Think That's Good

 Yes, there are a lot of fools in the Republican Party apparatus AND who broadcast their foolishness on the radio.

Vote Early!!  Really?

...which only gives the bad actors trying to steal our elections more information, sooner, about how many fake votes they need to produce to get the results they want....

It's like using a cellphone while you're in combat.  It's what's called a Fatal Error.


Anonymous said...

The only fool is you for not offer evidence that widespread, perpetual fraud was due in large part by mail in ballots in 2020.

In fact…

In a referendum that passed in 1998, Oregon went a step further than California by agreeing to issue all its ballots by mail. Washington followed suit in 2011, and Colorado in 2013. More recently, these states were joined by Hawaii and Utah, which passed laws to begin voting by mail permanently with the 2020 election. While they have not made the complete switch to an all-vote-by-mail system, California, D.C., Nevada, New Jersey, and Vermont mailed ballots to all voters in 2020, as a COVID-related adaptation. (In the same year, Montana allowed counties to decide whether to mail ballots to all registered voters in their county.)

It's important to note that although Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, and Utah now distribute all their ballots by mail, voters do not return them all by mail. According to responses to the 2022 SPAE, 21% of mail ballots were returned to some physical location such as a drop box or local election office. Thus, it's more accurate to describe these states as “distribute ballots by mail” states.

Anonymous said...

And on a related note.

Trump lost.