Sunday, August 25, 2024

Jason Whitlock's Remarkable Insight

 Jason Whitlock is not a fan of Kamala Harris.  And in expressing his disdain (paywall) for her "policy-free" campaign, he voices a remarkable insight.

His take?  Since the Democrats have successfully pulled off a "Nobody's Home" Presidency with Joe Biden, they're perpetuating it with a Totes Policy-Free candidate and platform.  They think that they can continue governing with zero accountability, first with a clearly senile old man whose nearly every word is scripted by some committee, next with a woman whose qualifications are her skin tone and ovaries, and whose nearly every word is also scripted by some committeeIOW, there is no President, but there is some committee.

They intend to continue Government by Committee of Unknown Players while trotting out a figurehead who should not (or can not) answer questions, even from the supine, pliant, whores called "the press."

So.  Who are you electing to run the country if you vote Democrat?

You'll never know.

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