Monday, August 12, 2024

The Trump Data-Hack: New Theory

Wauck has a bit of fun--actually, serious theorizing--about the Trump data-hack publicized over the weekend.

...The supposed Iranian hacking of the Trump campaign was actually one more in this long series of Intel [community] hoaxes aimed at Trump—if you include hoax elections as hoaxes. You get the idea. The top intel services—CIA, NSA, MI6, and others—are quite able to convincingly counterfeit the footprints of foreign actors like Iran, so there will never be “proof” in the strict sense. For my part, this simply looks like a twofer hoax: Leak damaging stuff to Politico to hopefully stop Trump, while also trumping (!) up a casus belli against Iran. You’ll have to prove to me that this was anything else but this. Just look around the world at the steady stream of color revolutions and regime change operations that are ongoing and traceable to the CIA. They’ve done it here before. Look for more....

Since the CIA/FBI/NatSec bunch has absolutely zero credibility any more, there's no reason to discount W's theory at all.  In fact, the theory could well be fact.  Just add it to the list of their attempts to eliminate Trump & Co. from the scene.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The govt smart kids (NOT) do like to manipulate..... and spend alot of "our money and our childrens money" to manipulate us....

I think I would not want to be them when they die and find out GOD exists... Not a good place to be.