Friday, August 16, 2024

Two "Can Not Happen" Items From Two Campaigns

The Donald opened the "Ain't Gonna Happen" sweepstakes with his "I'll cut energy and electricity costs by fifty+++percent!!" crazytalk.  In this State, even if the utilities got their coal and gas for free, it would still take the Public Service Commission a year or more to agree to reducing rates.  Beyond that, The Donald would have to cancel every single "renewable" mandate at both the Fed and State levels, and it's likely the taxpayer would have to shovel out a crap-ton of money to reimburse the utilities for their (now-junk) windmills and suncatchers.

Ain't Gonna Happen, Donald.

Not to be outdone, Kammy will reduce the price of food!!!  After all, Wage/Price Controls worked perfectly for Nixon, no?? 

...Harris will work with Congress to advance the first-ever federal ban on “corporate price-gouging” on food and groceries.

This would include setting clear “rules of the road” so that corporations “can’t unfairly exploit consumers to run up excessive corporate profits” on grocery staples, according to the fact sheet....

Sure.  Congress will determine what IS a "gouge."  That's Can Not Happen #1.  Then Congress will determine what are "excessive" profits.  That's Can Not Happen #2.  (But it does have the advantage of filling campaign coffers with excessive money gouged out of food manufacturers and retailers, see??)

Kamny also has an alternative entry!

...Harris will also call for the U.S. to construct 3 million new housing units over the next four years. In order to facilitate that, she will call for new tax incentives for builders who construct “starter homes.”...

What's a "starter home"?  What will be the applicable building codes for those?  And which zoning codes fit the Kammy Bill?  Who's paying for those "tax incentives"?  HINT:  the taxpayers who buy "starter houses", among others. 

That's TWO "Ain't Gonna Happens" for Kammy.

In the Good Old Days, Saturday Night Live would have a field day with these two yutzes.  But this ain't the Good Old Days.  Politicians talk like sausages and they can't be lampooned.

Blame it on Global Warming.  Or Putin.

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