Friday, August 23, 2024

Baldwin's "Strong" Border Bill? NOT!

 A couple of has-been LEO's are spewing Bee Ess about a "tough" border bill that Tammy voted for.

Yes, she voted for it.

That's because it is NOT "tough."

...The bill did nothing to close down President Joe Biden’s quasi-legal parole pathway that has imported roughly 1 million migrants since 2022 for the jobs, wages, housing, and schools needed by ordinary Americans.

Harris was praising the Senate’s February bill which created a wide-open catch-and-release pathway for economic migrants who merely ask for asylum. The wide-open pathway — complete with work permits — was hidden by complex language and much-touted claims about extra funding for more border guards...

Notice the red-highlight on "economic migrants"?  These are people who are looking for a job.  They're not being persecuted for their faith, nor political beliefs.  And they are NOT vetted; we have no idea whether they have criminal records, came from an insane asylum or jail.  Finally, we have no idea whether the children they're towing are actually their children, or are being sherpa'ed in as child-labor or sex slaves.

But Tammy Baldwin didn't care about any of that, nor how MANY people came in under this travesty.  She just needed a bill she could lie about, because that's what Baldwin does.

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