Friday, August 09, 2024

The Kamala-Elkhorn Travesty

 More of the same, piled higher and deeper.

A federal judge blocks the Elkhorn Area School District from restricting an eighth-grade student's use of the girls' bathroom this fall. The preliminary ruling will allow the student to use that bathroom while the case continues and awaits its final ruling....

Notice that the "press" does not name the judge, nor the location of that judge.  Madison?  Milwaukee?  Northern Illinois?  

... The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Jane [?] Doe, an 8th-grade student at Elkhorn Area Middle School, by her his parents. The family sued the school to make accommodations for her him and for damages for "emotional distress, lost educational opportunities, pain and suffering, economic losses, and other injuries that have been caused by the Defendant's conduct." It states the refusal to allow the student to use the girls' bathroom is a violation of her civil rights under Title IX....

(The above edited for accuracy.)

 ...A similar case is playing out in Mukwonago, where a federal judge ruled the district can't enforce a ban on transgender students using the bathroom of their choice.

[Elkhorn Superintendent] Tadlock said he's had parents call with concerns. He said many will instruct their kids to use the unisex single-room restrooms. Others, he said, are choosing to take their kids out of the Elkhorn district due to the judge's ruling.

"We've had several families indicate that they're just pulling their kids all together. They're going to home school them, send them to a private school, or enroll in another district," Tadlock said....

The Elkhorn district should tell the anonymous "judge" to stick it where the sun doesn't shine and toss the him/her/it student out of school.

By the way:  if those "several" families are pulling their kids, the Elkhorn district will lose a bunch of State aid.  Add that to the cost of the lawyers and the re-arrangement of the bathrooms, all for a facially farcical Kamala Harris/Tampon Tim policy.

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