Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Irony: PJB and Trump

We'll quote one graf from a recent essay on P J Buchanan:

...High on his list of priorities for America was a moratorium on unlimited immigration, including a wall along its southern border. He sought to rescind unfair trade agreements and reinvigorate U.S. manufacturing. Buchanan cautioned Americans against foreign interventions and warned that American culture was slipping away. He decried as un-American a “rigged” political system with a voice which produced a groundswell, shaking Republican elites. And he was denounced (at the time) by the future 45th president of the United States—Donald J. Trump.  ...

Trump, eh?

The Donald learned something while campaigning for President:  the Republican Party is perfectly happy to knife you in the back, several times.

He was reminded of that while sitting in the Oval Office, when they tried knifing him again, several times.

It took a massive, well-organized bi-partisan election fraud effort to get Trump out of there.

We have every confidence that PJB is just as tough as is Trump--but we're pretty sure PJB's happy to be retired.  He wouldn't like being nearly assassinated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"It took a massive, well-organized bi-partisan election fraud effort to get Trump out of there."

Completely false on your part. I thought it was a sin to openly and willingly lie.