Thursday, August 15, 2024

Is Mark Belling a Nuclear-Warmonger?

Yesterday, Mark Belling--usually a sensible Midwestern guy--read an essay by Steve Forbes which essentially called for the US to go to war with Iran on behalf of Israel.

So when this post appears, practically repeating the Forbes (Belling?) bloody-flag waving, it is a signal.

...It appears to be the desired result of the Israeli assassinations on the part of those fanatics who are hoping for a cataclysmic Middle East war in which the US would destroy Iran on Israel’s behalf. Iran, however, is playing a long game—one which the Anglo-Zionists will certainly lose. A cataclysmic war is the only way out that the Anglo-Zionists can see. However, there is a good argument to be made—which has been made by Chas Freeman—that Iran will not allow its actions to be dictated by Israeli provocations. Accepting US concessions and responding in ways that would be asymmetric—at least with regard to the conventional expectations—might will fit in well with Iran’s long game.

Viewed in this way, the stories appearing at Fox and the JPost may signal the growing anxiety in the Netanyahu government—and the Israel Lobby in the US—that Iran will not fall into the trap of igniting a general Middle East war, which would only satisfy apocalyptic Zionist fantasies. Those fantasies are based on the claim that Iran is governed by mad terrorists with no self control, who can be easily induced to escalate in the desired fashion in response to Zionist provocations—rather than the evidence based view that Iran is governed by highly rational actors who may well respond to provocations in asymmetric ways that take the long term into account.

This dawning realization—that Iran will respond in its own way in its own time—probably accounts for Netanyahu’s threats to “preempt” Iran by going ahead and attacking Iran even though Iran has declined, so far, to attack Israel....

The red-highlighted portion is nearly a direct quote from Steve Forbes' stupid rant that Iran is governed by mad men who will eliminate Israel.  That's a line which likely originated in Netanyahu's office.

Belling even called up the Plain of Magiddah, because the Word of God lends force to the Permanent War argument.  Except, as we mentioned a few days back, such chatter is not "Christian"--it is flat-out heresy.

We suggest that the real madness lies in Steve Forbes' rapidly aging brain.  It's a disease that Belling ought not catch.

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