Sunday, August 11, 2024

What's a "Paper Ballot"?

You will hear Democrat pols yapping about "paper ballots" as though the pols are endorsing election integrity and asking to reduce fraud.


When Democrats ask for "paper ballots" they mean mailed-out ballots.  That's because those are the ones easiest for Democrat operatives to steal or snatch, mark up, and mail back or deposit by the crap-ton in "secure" drop-boxes.

When Republicans (except Vos, Fitzgerald, and Walker) say "paper ballots" they mean on paper ballots, in person, on election day, with ID verification beforehand and hand-counting of the ballots afterward....

Ignore Belling and McKenna's bleating and screeching about "conveeeeeenience".  It's convenient for THEM to have Election Month, pre-election voting, mail-ins, etc.  Normal people don't give a flying fart about conveeeeeeeenience for Belling and McKenna.  Normal people want election integrity.

It's also conveeeeeeeenient for the Democrats Election Fraud Crew.   So who are Belling and McKenna actually rooting for?

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