Tuesday, August 06, 2024

"Burn It Down" Is (D) Riot Suppression Practice

 Wisconsin residents will remember the Kenosha riots.

Minnesota residents will remember the George Floyd riots, for the same reason.

...As Governor of Minnesota, Walz rejected federal assistance and was slow to deploy the state’s National Guard to Minneapolis in response to the 2020 George Floyd riots. Despite his inaction, Walz blamed local law enforcement and Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey, calling their response an “abject failure.”

Text messages and emails obtained by the Star Tribune after the riots, however, show that state officials—not city officials—failed to communicate important details provided by local law enforcement. This delayed the deployment of the National Guard for almost 24 hours.

Even after the National Guard had been deployed, Walz and his staff only offered local officials vague responses to requests for aid. In one instance, on May 27, 2020, Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo called Walz, asking that guardsmen be deployed to a Target that was being looted. According to Mayor Frey, Walz was noncommital to Arradondo’s request, saying only that he “would consider it.”...
Yep.  With minor alterations, that's exactly what Tony Evers (D) did in Kenosha.  Which is to say, too little, too late:

...By late Sunday night, Kenosha protesters had set city vehicles on fire. Monday afternoon, Evers announced that at the request of local officials, he had authorized Wisconsin National Guard troops to support local law enforcement in Kenosha County. After Monday’s protests led to widespread arson in Kenosha, Evers announced Tuesday that he had authorized up to 250 National Guard troops....

 On Tuesday, a massive police force used tear gas to drive protesters out of the public park outside the county courthouse. As protesters spread into the city, a group of them clashed with self-described militia who were guarding boarded up buildings with long guns. That’s when 17-year-old Illinois resident Kyle Rittenhouse allegedly shot three protesters, killing two and wounding another....

SUNDAY night all Hell was breaking loose.  But Tony was beddy-bye, couldn't answer the phone.  Monday?  Nope.  Tuesday?  "He had authorized."  

Great, Tony.  Two dead, one seriously injured, because  you needed your beauty sleep.  We don't know what Walz's excuse was, but he--like you--probably lied like Hell about it.

The Democrat Solution to riots?

Let it burn.

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