Friday, August 16, 2024

The Jebbies and Their Womyn"Priest"

This would be an amusing story, except it underlines the perfidy of the Jesuits. 

...Though she received the sacraments as a child, Tropeano was not raised in the church and did not begin to practice the faith until her late 20s, when she went through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.

"I moved to Portland with a band I was managing, and it was there, while attending a Jesuit parish, that the call emerged," Tropeano said in a recent NCR interview. "The Jesuits took me under their wing. I began to pray, do retreats and become active in the parish community."...

Then she blames St Ignatius, which is convenient because Iggy is not currently available to defend himself.

 ...The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius "changed me profoundly and forever," said Tropeano, whose ordination is being organized by the Association of Roman Catholic Womenpriests....

Well, HerStory continued!  She self-excommunicated by her attempted "ordination" and is now running around the country, PERSISTING, and being an organizer.

...Tropeano believes part of her calling is to help usher in a new era of female “priests” in the Catholic Church, something she sees as required for women’s “full participation” in the Church. She is leading a movement, dubbed God Says Now, to campaign for the consideration of female priesthood in the Synod on Synodality’s study on “the role of women in the Church.”...


No doubt that there are several US Bishops, and another several in Europe, who will vote happily for such a thing.  That's because those Bishops are.............ummmnnnnhhhhh..........'confused' about sexuality, which has to do with their............ahhhhh..........orientation.  (That is also the case with the Jebbies who pushed this poor woman into her current insane quest.)  

Questionwho is paying for her travel and lodging, hmmmm?

What a world, eh?

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