Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Big Smurf, Chapter 326, UPDATED!

Kittle 'splains what's going on here with this "Smurf" stuff.

...It’s the practice of breaking up large transactions into smaller ones — little like the Smurfs, the blue cartoon creatures that inhabited Saturday morning TV screens in the 1980s. The illicit goal of smurfing is to get around current banking regulations requiring financial institutions to report transactions exceeding $10,000 through federal suspicious activity reports (SAR). It’s money laundering by any other name, and it’s often conducted over many accounts.  

...In campaign finance land, smurfing entails “breaking up large-scale donations in a way that disguises who the money is actually coming from, so the contribution limits on how much money can be donated to a particular candidate can be skirted,” explained former Federal Election Commission member Hans von Spakovsky in a recent column for Fox News. ...

Since ActBlue is a Federal super-PAC, it does not have to report its activity to Wisconsin election officials in Madison.  That allows ActBlue to (say) take a $500.00 contribution from you and distribute it to as many as 400+ recipients, which explains why Tony Evers and Janet Protasiewicz received $1.29 donations from Suzie Floozy in Seattle, WA.  (You can look it up.  I changed "Suzy"'s name, but there are hundreds of $1.XX donations from out-of-State residents.)  Suzy has zero interest in either of those charlatans, but ActBlue does--so they get the money.

But as Kittle intimates, it's not Suzie Floozy of Seattle that is the problem.  It could be from Xi Jin-Ping's or George Soros', or Zelenskiy's VISA card, because ActBlue does not require the check-digit code from the back of the card.  UPDATE:  As mentioned at this link, "Suzie Floozy" (and many others like her) deny that they ever made a contribution to ActBlue So that "Who sent the money?" question is not just theoretical.

That is of particular interest when you consider that Evers raised $10 MILLION, an almost-unheard of pile for a Gubernatorial.  How much from 'Super-Big-Money Donor X' that was split into thousands of pieces by ActBlue?

You will never know.  But you can bet your house and children that Tony Evers knows, as does the remarkably-money-endowed Janet "BabyKiller" Protasiewicz.

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