Saturday, August 10, 2024

ATF Gets Ass Kicked

This has not been a good week for the gun-grab bunch.  Earlier, a Fed judge ruled that Maryland's prohibition of AR's is unconstitutional.

Now, the Eighth Circuit ruled that ATF's outlawing of pistol braces is ALSO unconstitutional.

...the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals has reversed a lower court’s decision and issued a strong rebuke to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the [pistol brace] regulation as “arbitrary and capricious,” a clear indication that the federal government overstepped its bounds in attempting to regulate lawful gun ownership....

This may go to SCOTUS, although with the ruling that eviscerates the Chevron deference, ATF is going uphill.

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