Sunday, August 25, 2024

Next: Civil War in Israel (!!?)

Interesting find by Wauck.  

In brief, there are two opposing groups of people in Israel:  the Zionists (which include Netanyahu) and the secular ('westernized') Jews.  The Zionists include the settlers in the north of Israel, who are well-armed with US-made weapons, plus some figures in the Israeli government.

The Zionists want to eradicate Palestinians and to expand Israeli territory in every direction but west.  The seculars--which include a number of top Israeli Defense Forces figures--do not; they prefer some sort of peaceful accommodation.  But Netanyahu--a Zionist--gets all the US press and, so far, the adulation and butt-kissing of many TeeVee War Mongers and quite a few members of Congress.

Will there be a civil war in Israel over this split?

Moving on:

The Chief of Staff to Colin Powell, both in the military and at State, says stuff:

    ...Let me preface these remarks with: I never, never, ever believe Israeli figures. I’ve been in the government too long to know that the Israelis are patent liars. In their intelligence community, in their propaganda community certainly, and in their leadership: they are inveterate liars. Let me say that again. They are liars. So, you can’t believe anything that comes out of Jerusalem. It’s all propaganda....

Speaker Johnson, are you paying attention?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christian Zionists (like our speaker of the house )are consciously tone deaf.