Tuesday, August 13, 2024

*Shock*! McCaul Is "Not Serious"

McCaul is a robotic war-monger and Pentagon lickspittle.  So this is not a surprise.

The senior investigator for the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s inquiry into the Biden-Harris government’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal resigned in protest on Monday. Jerry Dunleavy, a former journalist turned congressional investigator, blasted the committee and its chairman, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), for being “derelict in their duty” and running a “sham” investigation.

“I did not come lightly to this decision to resign & to blow the whistle publicly, but I could not be a part of this sham any longer & my conscience simply will not allow me to be silent,” Dunleavy wrote in a post on X (formerly Twitter).

“[A]fter a year of pushing the Committee to do the right thing & to run a serious investigation that relentlessly searches for the truth, it has become undeniably clear to me that McCaul & his team are unwilling to take even the most basic steps necessary to ensure that President Biden, VP Harris, & all the top Biden-Harris diplomatic & national security & military leaders are made to answer for the horrors which unfolded & continue to unfold in Afghanistan & around the world,” he added....

MAGA has a lot more work to do, assuming Trump overcomes the Biggest Cheat in History.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"MAGA has a lot more work to do, assuming Trump overcomes the Biggest Cheat in History."

Yep, that's the ready excuse in 2020 and potentially in 2024. If Trump wins, there wasn't the type of "cheating" as expected. If Trump loses, he lost again due to "cheating".

You would think by now with all of the failed lawsuits and investigations and Fox getting their pants sued, and Guiliani's and Powell's lies being exposed, that you would realize you are being flim flammed.

But that would require having a brain on your part.