Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Tragic Ukraine Attack on Kursk

 It was always just a show, except for the poor bastards who are being massacred by the Russkies and their allies.  As a result, the NeoCons have moved on, now looking at pushing the proxy-war with Red China (see below.)

... In my opinion the big news continues to be the war in Ukraine, in which the Ukrainian army appears to be hurtling towards collapse.

 There are reports that their equipment losses in Kursk are now as great as during the 2023 summer offensive, and
the front lines in Donbass are collapsing so fast that some, such as the Ukrainian MP Marianna Bezuglaya, are talking about the Ukrainian High Command having effectively written Donbass off....-Wauck quoting Mercouris

In addition, the Russians are using Battalion Tactical Groups plus some allied infantry (Chechens) to obliterate the Ukraine invasion force in Kursk.

That "invasion force" includes a reliably-reported 12,000 NATO and/or NATO-trained troops, some of which are from the USA Not likely that they will be coming home to spend their mercenary checks.

The C-in-C of the United States is, no doubt, on top of all this. 

The NeoCon Michael Rubin (American Enterprise Institute) casually mentions that Taiwan "might" blow up a number of dams in mainland China should China make a move.  It's typical NeoCon:  "A few hundred thousand civilian deaths?  Pshaw!!  We have a Globe to conquer!"


Grim said...

It's been difficult to make sense of this offensive, and the reporting on it is wildly inconsistent depending on the outlet and which side they support. (This is perfectly normal in a warzone: "fog of war" and all that.)

However, it did occur to me to wonder if this was the Gettysburg Campaign of the Ukraine war. Analogously, both were the first time the defending army went on the offensive and actually invaded the other's territory in the full scale; both of them were principally intended as raids, with psychological effects on the enemy populace a secondary target. Both intend to take pressure off a long-suffering defensive region (northern Virginia/Donbass).

Both are major commitments of remaining maneuver forces, which entail significant opportunity costs. By deploying these forces in the north, Ukraine is risking what might have been important reinforcements. The Confederate government had wanted Lee to reinforce Vicksburg, but he took his forces into the north instead and suffered a strategic loss instead. That allowed Grant to capture Vicksburg and sever the Confederacy, then assume command in the east and press Lee's remaining army for the rest of its days.

I don't claim to know what the facts on the ground are over there; the fog of war is too thick right now. If the historical analogy holds, though, a Ukrainian loss here could spell the beginning of the end.

Anonymous said...

Then Wauck gives us this tidbit about whats happening on the ground in the USA regarding the ongoing genocide in Palestine
and Jewish wars of aggression against the whole world!

.......More and more young people are becoming aware and raising their voices against the Jewish lobby that controls every sphere in the country and buys their politicians like a sack of potatoes, and they are publicly boasting about it through their AIPAC organization.

The more support politicians from both parties give them, the more revulsion they arouse in young people towards a nation that has committed the greatest genocide against children in human history.

The US is the most important center for the Israelis, through which they have a huge influence in the world.

This devastating statistic is far more worrying to them than the attack on Iran................