Friday, August 09, 2024

Tampon Tim Copies East Germany. Kamala Bleeds You Instead

Back in the day, East Germany utilized hundreds of thousands of spies and 'snitches' reporting on citizens subjects who engaged in thought- or speech-crimes.  The spies and snitches totaled about 1/6th of its population. 

Apparently Tampon Tim liked that idea.

...renewed attention is being put on [Walz'] draconian practices during the COVID-19 pandemic, including a hotline he established for private citizens to report neighbors for violating lockdowns.

As detailed by Alpha News in 2022, the so-called “snitch line” ran from March to November 2020, during which an estimated 10,000 reports (many of which are believed to have been spam emails) were taken on excessive numbers of people at retailers that had been allowed to remain open, “non-essential” shops continuing to operate, outdoor dog-walking, playing basketball in parks, small home parties, social distancing not being observed, and even in-person church services. Walz justified the measure as necessary to free up 911 to take more conventional emergencies....

(Maryland did the same thing.)

Kammy Harris uses the lawfare method to bleed her enemies dry.  See, e.g., her comments at 50:00 on this video.  Or see what she did to David Deleiden after he exposed Kammy's BFFs at the "parts department" of Planned Parenthood.  Tampon Tim uses the snitch-method.  The combination is rather scary, no?


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