Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Yes, Of Course Illegals Are Voting!

Exactly as Tony Evers and Sponge-Brain-Shits-Pants wanted.

...Just Facts then conducted a comparable study that used the same datasets, a more straightforward methodology, and related studies to constrain assumptions. This found that roughly 27 percent of non-citizens were registered to vote and about 16 percent of them voted in the 2008 national elections....

Over 80% state that they voted Democrat.


 ...As is often the case with studies of illegal actions where enforcement is limited, both Just Facts’ study and the one from Electoral Studies have sizeable margins of uncertainty. This is due to relatively small sample sizes and other possible sources of error — some that could produce overcounts and others undercounts....

But "fact checkers" cannot disprove the study:

 ...So-called fact checkers and certain scholars have repeatedly tried to dispute the Electoral Studies paper and Just Facts’ study. However, their criticisms were mathematically illiterate and laced with unrealistic assumptions, empty arguments, half-truths, and outright falsehoods....

Illegals or not, there is NO question that signature-verification was either ignored or compromised in certain Wisconsin counties.  If that is wrong, then the question:  where are the audits that prove otherwise?

There aren't any.  Guess why.

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