Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Pasting the SmileyFace on CCHD

Your Bishops have a Truth Problem.  They don't like to tell it to you.

Get this:

...[The Bishops] will also be reflecting on positioning the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) for the future. For a half-century, grants made possible through the annual CCHD collection have gone to help community organizations working to empower people striving to overcome poverty. Now, the bishops have begun the process of discerning the next 50 years.

Over the past several years, including during the pandemic, the CCHD maintained its level of support for those in need, despite a decline in donations. Last year, the CCHD started a review to explore ways to renew the mandate and mission of CCHD. The bishops will spend time prayerfully discussing the best way to adapt to the post-pandemic needs and resources, while at the same time continuing a steadfast commitment to helping the poor and disenfranchised emerge from the cycle of poverty....

Well, there is SOME truth there.  'The Bishops will be reflecting.'  Yup.  The Bishops .....discerning the next 50 years.  (WHAT????  Franny1 told us that the world is ending soon due to cow-farts.  We won't make 50!!!)  'Grants have gone to help community organizations working to empower people striving to overcome poverty Marxist rabble-rousers screaming for Mo'Free Stuff from governments'.  

But the best one?  'adapt....needs and resources....'

Why is that the best?

Because the Bishops FIRED THE ASS of the former CCHD poobah who spent CCHD into near-bankruptcy.  What they're really going to 'reflect upon' is how the Hell they shore up CCHD before it drags the entire USCC down the porcelain tube.

(Which would not be all that bad, would it?)

 Never, ever, ask a Bishop for a straight answer.  You waste less time by asking a Democrat to act responsible.   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are live streaming it

This could be fun

We could have a drinking game every time they say a certain word!

Now let’s see

We drink when they say. ……..

We chug when they say…..